Monday, October 30, 2006

On cosmetics, again

Back to the topic of people's obsession with beauty products, M. sent me the following link yesterday (it's in danish, but if you took norwegian ab initio, you should be able to get the gist of it. If you don't, be thankful):

A special kind of facial cream

I didn't know they were doing this kind of research at this egregious alma mater of mine, and it's hard to believe someone would buy such a product. Although, on the other hand, people have been buying creams with collagen for years now, and they get that compound from placentas.

Hey, wanna make some money? Sells us your placenta after your baby's born! S/he doesn't need it anymore, and it can help smooth some wrinkles off somebody's face somewhere.

1 comment:

sattva said...

And at those moments find myself wondering: is it me or the world that went insane?

The bright side, though, I did not take norwegian abinitio...

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