Sunday, October 30, 2011


Cuando dos cortinas muerden
al ajo que las sobaba
y cumbias llenas de lava
bajo una cama se pierden

y no hay bollos que se acuerden
de su masa que, aunque brava,
de un huevo se volvió esclava,
les pediré que concuerden:

más vale alubia alicorta
con toronjil perforada
que el resuello de la aorta

y si me prestan un hada
en sus uñas muy absorta
la prefiero acatarrada.

Pension Plan

Today on top of one another

i place my hours.

One by one they heap on higher,

all mine, none ours.

We had our noon,

the sun was high,

not ever for a minute

were our minutes

on a pile:

all always in a jumble.

Yet even that

which is not built

can crumble.

Since then,

to reach again the light

i´ve made a ladder

with my time,

screwed together

my days

to form the ringers,

my years into the rungs.

All likewise climb

around me

in ladders of their own

and from up here

the spot on which we stood

is not so clear.

And so we float

and i’ll have lost

my eyesight anyway

by the time

i reach the top.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My thoughts exactly

A BBC photo of the Occupy protests around the world (in this case in New York). October 15th, 2011. Put an end to greed!
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