Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Spoken exams, veiled hostility & discomfort from people about articles i wrote in school magazine, epistemology forms and grades to be handed in, Zulema's suspension/expulsion/?!?!?!?, Pondo's lies, intestinal upset (my intestines, but also among staff, students and staff and students), sicknesses of students, can't quit smoking, world literature essays, thinking of organizing a latino show and a teachers' show, class preparation and homework piling up, pending mail replies, book permits still not requested, argument with Amadeo about cleaning, watching out for people... And am sure i'm forgetting something, which upsets me even more.

Things that i love, things that i hate, things that i hlaotve and things that i lhoavte.

I heard this story when i was a kid; my dad or my uncle Orfeo used to tell it. It had happened to someone when they were kids, or when my grandfather was.

There was this boy that had been picking grapes with his father and other workers. This is very tiring work, so seeing a dog lieing around under the shade of a tree, the boy said: "Dogs have such a wonderful, easy life! I wish i were a dog!".

"Go ahead, then" said his father. "Go lie under the shade, too, if you want."

"For real?" asked the kid.

"Sure! Go ahead" answered the man.

So the boy did lie down and slept in the shade the whole morning. But when lunchtime came and the boy wanted to sit down and eat with the men, the father said, sure enough: "Shoo, dog! Go away!" and tossed him a bone.

So i suppose the moral of the story is that it's not so easy being a dog, either. Although probably a dog wouldn't mind eating bones, whereas the kid most certainly did.

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