Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Cold turning into...

Cold is turning into flu, i suspect. Strong stomach and muscle aches, chills, stuffed nose, sore throat, headache... Full package! Hadn't had this bug in a while, and always forget how bad it is. Also, i think there's a bit of the hypochondriac in me: not only is it the physical disturbances that bother me, but the fear of getting worse or of it being something else. Yuk!

Speaking of people who're unwell, i called Luella at Mac this morning. She sounded her usual extra-cheerful self, which kind of worries me, as a few days ago she wrote telling of some panic attacks she's been having. Luella is an extremely high achiever, very outgoing and free and open minded... but paradoxically has a very strong need to be in control. Of course, there's probably more to it than that. I don't know her as well as i would like to; am not very good at reaching out to people i want to connect with -- my lack.

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