Monday, November 06, 2006


I talked to my teachers today. Told them exactly what i wrote in here over the weekend. They weren't too happy about my quitting, but not nasty, either. I suppose it's unconventional, but it feels like the right thing to do right now. Can, the guy next door, said i was just being lazy; i liked his honesty. Not that i agree with the judgement, but i suppose it can be seen that way. I'm definitely not planning to just sit and twiddle my fingers for the next year and a half; i just don't want to go ahead with this masters program.

I also hope i won't have to live on fish alone, either, as Minge suggested: fishing bores me, and i'd probably starve before i catch any.

Wondering: by quitting like this, am i setting a bad example for my ex-students? I know some of you guys read this... Funny how i used to worry that my not quitting something was a bad example (smoking) and now quitting something else still causes that kind of reaction in me.

Wondering: is the patronizing, ego-inflated attitude behind such a reaction something that comes with being a teacher, or is it just me? As if my actions had such influence over the decisions of people that can think and reason by themselves!

Anyway, it's late. Going to sleep.


Dilly said...

Hola :) I don't think your quitting has anything to do with you being lazy, or being labelled a "Quitter." It really depends on what your goals are, and if you said that you hadn't intended to take some time off to relax, then obviously this isn't the right path. You could then turn it around and say that if you had instead done the masters program and suffered through it, you might have received a more tangible reward, but did you fulfil the original reason why you had decided to take time off in the first place?

And what you said is true, you'd actually be productive, its not like your skiving! PRobably what *i'd* do. I'm lazy, no question there.

For me at least I still put teachers on a pedestal. Someone I'd look up to and respect. But I put them up there, respecting them not for their society-perfect qualities, but other more human reasons why I like them.

I say, don't waste your time doing something that you don't absolutely have to do. You're around for what? 80? 90? years. Frankly, for a death-fearing person like me, that really isn't a long time. Trite as I may sound, cliche as it is, live the life that you want it, and not the way it should be or how others expect it to be.

MARIANO said...

Thank your for your comments, girls! Very reassuring, indeed! And, i have finally managed to quit smoking, too! Two months already! And not a single puff!

PS: Dilly, what are you talking about? Die? Me? That's never gonna happen!

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