Sunday, November 19, 2006

Marcelo Tinelli & the Mapuche

Not the name of a rock group, i'm afraid.

Marcello Tinelli: a famous Argentinean TV presenter and comedian.

The Mapuche:
the only indigenous group that, although seriously decimated and marginalized, managed to preserve its culture and language in Patagonia.

Marcello Tinelli:
has bought thousands of acres in the Patagonic province of Chubut.

The Mapuche:
30 families live in this land, part of a community of around 700 individuals who, although there for centuries, still have no legal possession.

Marcello Tinelli: wants to build a mega tourist center (it would have a Mapuche name).

The Mapuche: have to go.

The argentinean government: does nothing, of course.

The argentinean media: not a peep.

Money: talks!

More info:
Universidad de Quilmes:

1 comment:

RIC said...

How repulsive, Mariano! Another sad story proving that money talks, and rules! What are most governments and politicians nowadays? Mere resonance boxes of the financial power (which has no face, of course!)
When will you be going to Finnland again?...

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