Thursday, November 16, 2006


Oh, i forgot to tell you about a dream i had yesterday night. I was running in a snowy forest, like the ones i'd seen during the day. I had white socks on, but the rest of my legs (at least) were bare. My feet only sank a couple of centimeters in the snow. Every few steps i'd jump and rise above the treetops, and then i'd come down again, without changing speed, just following an arch. The sky was dark, black, but somehow i could see the forest below me, and around me when i ran among the trees. It felt incredibly good, but the best part was... Well, i didn't really tell myself i was dreaming, but i had a thought like "Now i know how to do this, i'll be able to do it later, too!". I was damn sure i'd discovered something, like it was absolutely clear why i could do it now and not before. It was such a good feeling that when i woke up... Of course, i know i can't jump like that, but the good feeling stayed.

1 comment:

RIC said...

What a superb dream, Mariano! I some times think some discoveries do happen that way! The bed is a magic place, I's say... For many, many reasons...
(Off the subject. Some Argentinean mythical names to me:
Hope you like them too)

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