Saturday, September 30, 2006

Walt Whitman's "My Pen" (1900)

WHAT think you I take my pen in hand to record?
The battle-ship, perfect-model’d, majestic, that I saw pass the offing to-day under full sail?
The splendors of the past day? Or the splendor of the night that envelopes me?
Or the vaunted glory and growth of the great city spread around me? —No;
But merely of two simple men I saw to-day, on the pier, in the midst of the crowd, parting the parting of dear friends;
The one to remain hung on the other’s neck, and passionately kiss’d him,
While the one to depart, tightly prest the one to remain in his arms.


Tugc said...

Hola Mariano,
Today I saw a movie called "la Historia Oficial" for my spanish class..The movie affected me so much, have you seen it before? Coz it is an old moviem but i couldnt get over the movie for like 5 hours..

Tugc said...

Thanks a lot for your explaining. Yes, the movie was made in '83 I assume.
My teacher has not explained it yet, she just gave a couple of articles abaout "desaparecidos".
I never knew that side of Argentina that clearly, cause when someone just tells you quickly it slips out from your mind, however when i saw the movie and your explanation after that helped me a lot.

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