Saturday, September 16, 2006

Couldn't sleep

Just that, couldn't sleep.

So i watched "Spellbound" (1945) with Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck: period's the word here. Bergman's a psychoanalyst that's constantly being harassed by her co-workers but actually doesn't get angry about it; in fact, she seems to think it comes with being a woman. She gets patronized by everyone, too. Her best friend tells her stuff like "Do not complete that sentence with the usual female contradictions. You grant i know more than you, but on the other hand, you know more than me! Women's talk. Bah!" or "We both know that the mind of a woman in love is operating on the lowest level of the intellect." When a man she's not interested in flirts with her, kisses her on the mouth, tells her science is killing her womanliness, she reacts as if nothing bad happened! She doesn't retort to any of it, and goes along with his game...

And she's got other little quirks, too. I mean, not only does she get romantically involved with a patient, but she puts her career and life at risk for him after knowing the guy for about 8 hours, immediately after she figures out he's given her a false identity and is probably a psychotic murderer. "You're not", she tells him. "It's a guilt complex that makes you believe you did it." Hah!

Ok. Very dated, quaint... But cute. Still, can't sleep. Gonna try again...

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