Sunday, September 24, 2006

Two firsts

First snow in the city, on and off, all day today. At the beginning, tiny balls of ice pelting down; later true flakes, swirling outside my window. Not enough to pile up yet, but there are white patches on the ground already, here and there.

Then, tonight, on a trip to the laundry, i look up and the clouds have split. A pearly, ghostly, grey-greenish curtain hangs up there, shifting slowly. Pale, but definite.

Only forerunners of much more intense displays, i hope.

1 comment:

...The eyes of the world said...

Call me cynical, but I really do not Like snow. For me, it is just rain that stays for longer. I will at anytime prefer sunshine and a beach than snow and mountains. Why be wet and cold when you can be warm and naked? Or sun, dont go away. Oh, Tromsø keep the snow for you.

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