Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Crossing over

On the trip back from Greece i'll definitely upgrade my ticket, so that i can get a cabin to sleep in. It's 2:10 in the morning and i haven't been able to go truly under for more than a few minutes, although i've been trying since around 10:00 pm. At first i was a little seasick, because in spite of it's great size, the boat rocks a lot. I soon got over that though, but then the problem is that there are no comfortable seats to at least recline on. Am sitting at a bar, early deserted, but the chair is hard under my butt and my neck feels uncomfortable, whether i lay it on my arms on the table before me or on the wall behind. Legs and arms fall asleep in some positions and, since they do, i obviously can't.

So, i've decided to wake up, breakfast on the panettone i bought yesterday, and write and read a little.

Speaking of yesterday, it was an uneventful day. Woke up late, went to Feltrinelli and bought "I.O.U.", a book on third world debt cancellation that sounds promising. Spent a few hours reading it and drinking cappucinos. There is not much in the city of Bari that can't be seen in a day and, if there is, i've missed it. What i did in the afternoon was to sit for a long while on a bench by the coast, looking at the waves smash against the breakwaters, piqued by quite a heavy wind. I noticed that seagulls floated like kites in it, responding to strong gusts with those same sudden changes in flight direction i remember from my childhood. Bari has a definitely dramatic seafront.

- - - - o - - - -

My computer is running out of batteries, so i'll finish with this final comment: the love life of sharks is a truly complicated affair. With so many teeth going around, it is hell to kiss properly, and love bites are truly something to die for.

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