Tuesday, December 13, 2005

After midnight

Rereading yesterday's entries (which i actually finished only a few minutes ago), am noticing too many references to men and gayness. Maybe i'm getting horny, but if that were the case i'd probably be able to tell (you'd think! hah-hah). More likely, i just miss having someone to hang out and share my time with.

Am definitely open to getting to know people, though there's nothing yukkier than meeting someone you really like and then leaving after a couple of days -- or weeks, in this case. And for the time being at least, home is back in the north, so staying is out of the question. Maybe i should try to be more sociable with Lars Jon. He's this farmer who lives up there with his sister, probably the only openly gay man in a 10 k. radius, apart from me. He seems nice and all, but it might be hard to communicate, as my norwegian is nearly as good as his english, or so i hear. It's pathetic that we live so close to each other and we've never really spoken. I don't think he even knows there's another gay man living 200 meters from him! Oh, well...

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