Sunday, January 23, 2005


I think she is a she, at least. Not that i much care about her gender. I don't see that much narcissistic about what she writes though, but there's this whole entry in her blog about how the end is coming, and people should recognize the bible as the one and only truth, and... Sigh!

She seems to be a pretty young kid. Sixteen, seventeen? The world can be a harsh place to grow up in, and she needs to feel part of the IN crowd, protected. And what better crowd than that of a god all powerful? He never sits down and talks to you, but no matter. The other guys and gals in the group, the ones that have been around longer, tell you they know him better, and that he loves you and grace you with more and more of his favours... If only you do this or that.

This god sounds to me more like one of the popular kids in highschool.

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