Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Saddest piece of news today: The elderly Spanish king, president of the local branch of the World Wildlife Foundation, goes hunting elephants in Botswana. He breaks his hip, and is criticized in the media not so much for his killing, but mostly for going hunting during the current economic crisis. He apologizes in front of a camera. "It won't happen again", he says.

Tragic, really. Makes me wish I belonged to a different species. Even poor, coveted elephants would do.

Hard to keep in mind my last post, at times like this. Maybe not everybody is doing the best they can, after all.

And even if they are, even if I managed to accept it non-judgmentally, people must be protected. Violators like these must have consequences in their lives. Bar them from power, or something. Somehow impede them from being in a role were their selfishness and greed can cause so much damage.

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