Monday, September 17, 2012


Today I watched Innerspace, a 1987 science fiction movie in which a character played by Dennis Quaid is inserted, together with his submarine, inside another man. Of course, both Quaid and his submarine are miniaturized to the size of a speck, thank goodness.

Quaid communicates with his goofy host, played by Martin Short, by looking through his eyes and speaking in his ear. Soon the extroverted, macho Quaid teaches wimpy, awkward Short to loosen up and have a good time. They get drunk and dance together. Well, one inside the other, lets say.

Of course, soon enough they start talking about girls, and a situation ensues in which Short meets Quaid's pregnant girlfriend, played by a very youthful Meg Ryan. Short kisses Meg and Quaid slides into her mouth through Short's saliva. Later they kiss again and Quaid is back inside Short by the same means (even though right before they kissed he was in Meg's ear -- Short must have a loooong tongue!).

Short appears to fall for Meg. Keeps looking at her, and this bothers Quaid -- even though we don't know why Short is looking at her. Maybe he just wants to have legs like her? I fancy he casts a couple of longing looks at Quaid, once he is outside and normal sized again.

Anyway, in love with Meg or not, he respects his buddy's claims and apart from those two kisses, he is a true gentleman. Whem she and Quaid tie the knot at the end of the movie, Short pays for their honey moon with two years of his savings and has nothing but a puppy-dog look and tender smiles for the newlyweds.

The credit song is "Twisting the Night Away", by Sam Cooke, and it goes:

"Let me tell you about a place
Somewhere up-a New York way
Where the people are so gay
Twisting the night away."

Am I the only one seeing a homosexual pen in Hollywood, here?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Ryan and Short kiss it was a romantic magical kiss wow! that's all i gotta say.

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