Sunday, January 23, 2011

New niece or nephew

L. & S. are expecting, again. They found out about it last Friday, January 14th, the day before Consuelo turned 8 months old.

They were both pretty shocked. L. got understandably emotional, and she cried a little, she told me. She was instantly afraid that complications might arise, she would be given absolute rest, and she wouldn't be able to pick up Consuelo. Of course they are both happy and they were planning to get pregnant pretty soon, anyways, but they hadn't really started trying.

Anyways, two days ago what L. feared happened: she started bleeding and it turns out she has some kind of bruise in her uterus, so she has to have absolute rest. She has to stay in bed and won't be able to pick up Consuelo for a while...

This must be terribly hard on her. Luckily she has her two sisters, her mom and mine who live nearby, plus my brother who can work from home, most of the time. I hope they will all be well.

In spite all of this, I am happy for the new arrival to the family. S/he will be surrounded by our love.

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