Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A beginning

When the bubble formed I happened to end up too close to its outer edge, which sliced through both my legs and part of my right arm. I had a computer on my lap and was sitting on a sofa, typing away, and so I lost the outer half of the arm, including most of the shoulder and elbow joints, with my humerus being almost perfectly halved along its length. The curvature of the bubble wall meant that the upper part of my ulna was left behind, too, although my wrist was not compromised. As for my legs, I lost part of the right hip, most of the right leg except for a flap of flesh in my inner thigh, and my left leg, some five centimeters below my knee.

The cocoon I was in was one of six that contained human genetic material, albeit minus a few parts. That's because w

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