Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Ana's monologue

Yesterday night i watched Eliseo Subiela's Dark Side of the Heart. I hadn't seen that movie in years. Ana's monologue on the peer is, in my opinion, a particularly wonderful piece of writing, and Sandra Ballesteros delivers it masterfully: "Never look at a whore in daylight; it is like watching a movie with the lights on; like a cabaret at ten in the morning, with sun rays piercing the dust brought up by sweeping; like discovering that the poem that made you cry at night barely interests you the next day. It is like this fucking world would be if we had to accept things just as they are; like finding the actor you saw playing Hamlet on the soup kitchen line; like the emptiness when they pay you and you don't feel, even a bit; like the sadness when they pay you and you felt, at least a bit; like opening a drawer and discovering a picture of the whore when she was nine. Like letting you come with me, knowing that when the magic is over you will be with a woman like me in Montevideo."

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