Hmmmm. I think i'm gonna leave the masters program at UiTø. I want to stay in Tromsø, and continue with my norwegian lessons, but the whole point of me taking a couple of years away from Flekke was that i was tired, and that i wanted to do something different, and relax... But here i am, squeezing my brains trying to understand this very technical stuff, spending hours in front of the computer, writing essay upon essay. Interesting as it all is, it's definitely not what i want to be doing right now. So, ha det bra.
Of course, it's not as easy as that. I have to start looking for a new place, 'cause if i'm not a student at the u, i can't keep living in the cheap dorm; i have to quit my norwegian classes at the u and change to the course taught at voksenopplæring senteret, because the one at the u is for students only; i'll have to find some kind of job in town, too, so as not to eat up all my savings; then there is the move to organize...
Doesn't sound very relaxing, either, but here i am, and these are the choices. Yup, i think that's that for the masters. Thanks for all the fish.
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Well, I've now read some of your posts, and as far as phonology is concerned, I have to admit I've never read such strange, odd formulations of the phonological phenomena, even because - as you say - they are abstractions; they're no phonetical phenomena...
But then again it seems that scientific discourse nowadays is no longer what it used to be...
A literary text on the same matter would be more objective, I guess...
I wish you'll find the best path for yourself!
Es un largo tiempo desde que nos hemos hablado por ultima vez. Sabes que por aqui en Copenhagen estoy basicamente en la rutina que acabas de describir, a la cual deberias de entrar ahora que dejas la u. Eso es, trabajando y ganando el pan de cada dia...
Todo muy bien y los estudios tambien. Sabes que tengo una clase de espanol, y debo decir que en realidad estoy muy tranquilo pues lo que nos ensenaste me dejo como decimos en Ecuador "filito".
Tengo mucha confianza de que todo te va a salir bien ahora que has tomado esta decision. Creo que lo mas importante es que mantengas claro el hecho de que lo que quieres hacer es descansar del colegio un poco. Mas que nada, que hagas lo que tu desees ahora que tienes la oportunidad durante este tiempo.
Me despido por hoy mandandote un fuerte abrazo, suerte con todo!!
PS. Me he tomado la molestia de poner tu Blog en el mio, si quieres hacer lo mismo, esta es la direccion del mio:
PS2. Cuando hables con la Tere, mandale un abrazo re-grande!
PS3. Tu compatriota Lucho te manda un saludo enorme!
are you sure you want to quit? Maybe it's me becoming a conformist, but i would be so scared to be alone without a name or institution behind my back. then you really ARE alone... dunno.
Well, whatever you decide will be for the best, I am sure.
Big hug!
Man cannot live by fish alone.
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