Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I saw this poster on a bus, and took a picture.

It's basically an add from the consumers' council here in Norway. The card says:

"To Vinedal Catering:
RE our wedding,
we just wanted to say that
................Camilla & Anders"

And then the caption underneath goes:

The Consumers' Council will help you."

Heheheh. Made me smile.


Anonymous said...

jejejeje, la verdad es que es bueno el anuncio!!! Ir a tomar el bus y encontrarse eso de hacer esbozar una sonrisa por la mañana. Ojalá se pudiesen mandar tarjetas de esas cuando uno está insatisfecho

RIC said...

When the evil is done, there's few consolation in any kind of compensation, I think... I'm quite sceptical about complaints, as a matter of fact...

T-Bird said...

gotta love it

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