Sunday, January 15, 2006

Updating and the entry of 13/12


Today i have been publishing the entries i wrote during my vacation. It seems my entry of december 13th made people uncomfortable. To be true about it, it has also made me a bit uncomfortable.

M & M are correct when they say sexuality should be a private thing, and that my talking about my own so much is awkward. For one thing, this image comes to mind: me, standing on top of a mountain, pointing to myself with both hands and yelling "Look at me, world! I'm gay!!!!"

But i'm not as oblivious as that. When i talk publicly about my sexuality the only thing i make known is my sexual orientation, and that is because i believe homosexuals must be visible if we want to make things better for ourselves in society. I don't know how it is for heterosexual people, but for me as a homosexual man sexuality is in my mind very frequently (mind you, i've written 'sexuality', not 'sex'), because of the impact that societal views on that sexuality have always had in my life.

I truly wish it didn't have to be so. Bourgeois or flock-minded as it may sound, what gay people want is not prominence because of their sexuality, but the opposite -- which is flatness, i suppose: not to stick out, but to be acknowledged and treated as part of the normal sexual spectrum.

Of course, by saying this i realize that, in some eyes, i'm climbing on top of yet another mountain and yelling "Look at me world! Poor, suffering me!!!"

I can't be 100% sure, of course, but i don't think that's my motivation.

Anyway. About M.'s objection on my use of the love (bla bla) argument with the priest, obviously i meant a feeling that is not only mutual, but among people who are able to decide about their lives and in full command of their discernment, so that excludes paedophilia and zoophilia. Of course, it can also be argued that most people are never in full command of their discernment either, so true, there is a point here: heterosexual people shouldn't get married either, nor have their relationships recognised by society (har har har!).

Enough of this. I had a great break and a good beginning of the year, though it's a bit of a downer that the break is over. I hope you're all fine out there, too.


...The eyes of the world said...

Good points...I hope you will keep updating your blog! Thoughts from other people are always a pleasure to read...

Dilly said...

new year started out good, but then it started going downhill, :( I've been incredibly stupid. Fecking drunken sociability. I always find ways to sabotage my life when its' going hunky dory. oh dear, cursed me.

K. said...

can someone translate for me what dilly has said cause i don't seem to get half of her native-speaker english ;)
I like your post, I completely agree with you. Plus, it was nice to read about your Greek trip. I have only been in northern Greece, which I think lacks the uniquity of the south, inherited by the history of the area...
anyhow, I am still home, alive and well now :)
love, K

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