Thursday, January 20, 2005


There's an anti-gay MSN group on the net. At least one, I mean. You can find it here:

The views it expresses are actually not that extreme. I could have a respectful discussion with the author, if i came accross him/her one day (not going to look for him; i've had this talk already with myself and others, many times).

Apart from the title, the only other provoking content is a sign on the Pictures section: "All faggots can suck my dick". I don't know how to interpret it, really: if it comes down to a situation where their lives depend on it, anyone with a survival instinct and a mouth CAN suck a dick. Not only us faggots. Maybe this is a grammar mistake, though. If so, i still don't know if the sign is meant to be an invitation, or an insult. If this last, that's a very unimaginative thing to say to a faggot!

The opinions expressed in this site go from anal sex to gay marriage to the origins of homosexuality. As to this last, the writer purports to have the definitive answer to a subject that science hasn't found an answer for, yet. Leaving aside the fact that to look for a single cause and equating homosexuality with one kind of attitude or behavior seems very simplistic to me, i don't consider this attitude too badly. I have gay friends who also try to pinpoint their homosexuality on this or that.

There's also quite a bit of religious syrup poured over everything; most sources the author quotes are linked to Christianity in one way or another. Still, although s/he relies too heavily on "the bible says this" or "the pope did that", s/he has some ideas of his/her own.

What i can't fully comprehend is why someone who says homosexuals should not be persecuted but respected and tolerated, would go to all the trouble of making an anti-gay webpage. From the ideas therein expressed i gather, though s/he is not straightforward about it, that this person thinks homosexuality can and is being spread in society.

What can i say to that? Most probably, none of my arguments would convince anyone who feels this strongly about the issue (i mean, strongly enough to start such a group).

I think that many people feel threatened by the whole gay rights movement. They mistake visibility for publicity and think that sexual minorities are trying to recruit, to "make" more gays, lesbians, bisexuals or transsexuals.

In a way, of course, we are trying to recruit: not people, but supporters. Men and women who will back us up when we say there's no harm with us teaching at schools, that we shouldn't be shunned from public office because of who we feel sexual attracted by.

In the end, we all respond to social issues like this with our... "Hearts", you thought i was going to say? Well, no. We act influenced by what our experiences, upbringing and culture told our hearts to feel... or as a reaction to all that. It is then very easy to look for data, here or there, that will support our feelings.

"A true researcher will look for information in many places before making up their mind", i could say here but, in fact, i don't believe that, either. At least not all the time. I mean, all sources were produced by people with their own views too, right?

Best talk to people. See how the live. Give yourself to knowing them; that is the love Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and many other guys and girls have talked about. You may not change your mind about the conflict points, but perhaps fear and distrust will be lesser.

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